Friday, 22 February 2019

Workshop : Erasmus+
Where : Fort de France (Martinique)
When : 20/02/2019
To Whom : youth people
Duration : 1day

I participated in a meeting about youth engagement. I was all day at a booth to inform young people about mobility opportunities in Europe.

I told them about the mobility program with Erasmus+ and the possibility to go with the association "D'antilles & D'ailleurs".

I reassured them about the fears that young people may have when leaving their island (language barrier, unknown country, racism ...) by sharing my experience in Estonia.
I gave them information about the different possibilities offered by Erasmus + (youth exchange, trainings, volunteering).

I discussed with them the subject of non-formal education and offered them to experiment energizer.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Estonian workshop Erasmus+

Workshop: Erasmus+
Where: Tartu forseliuse kool
When: 18.12.18
To whom : 9th grade students
Duration: 45min

About the class :
I gave 9th graders english class about erasmus+
Introdused myself and erasmus, talked about each program a bit (youth exchange, trainings,volunteering)
Also talked about my experiences, did 2 energizers and a kahoot quiz.