A few weeks have passed since the
training in Estonia, where I think we got a good picture about how to work with
young sters who has fewer opportunities. The task was given to each and every
one of the national teams participating in the training to implement some form
of training in their own community for a positive change.
Ont he training our national team
represented Hungary. The members of the team were Javad Khalilli, Giorgi and I.
As I know, Javad and Georgi have completed a workshop in Debrecen, Hungary for
a few weeks, which I could not join because of my EVS in Croatia.
The day before yesterday, on the 17th
December, I finally managed to implement the workshop with youngsters with fewer
opportunities, at the workshop's current residence in Petrinja, one of the
local elementary schools in Croatia, Osnovna škola Dragutina Tadijanovića
Petrinja (http://os-dtadijanovica-petrinja.skole.hr/). The organization IKS,
the local youth organization (my EVS host organization), helped me in the development
and in the implementation of the workshop, which I appreciate. The participants
in the workshop were 7th grade students, about 20 people. Since the
participants had not heard anything about Erasmus + before, because of their
socially disadvantaged situation and their younger age, the aim of the workshop
was to enable youngsters to get involved more easily in the future in programs
wich they can apply for, for example mobility projects, youth exchanges, and to
get a picture of Erasmus + in general.
The course of the workshop:
1. Introduction
2. Some warm-up games /
3. Presenting about Erasmus + and
youth exchanges
4. Watching Erasmus + youth exchanges
video (https://ec.europa.eu/.../indi.../young-people/youth-exchanges_en)
5. Storytelling about Erasmus +
experiences / Benefits of participating in Erasmus + projects
6. Creating posters about Erasmus
During the workshop, I have used
a number of non-formal educational tools wich I have learned during the
training. (energizers, warm-up games, sharing thoughts and feelings, presenting
themselves and teamwork)
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