Saturday, 15 December 2018

Good evening,
After learning how to work with people with fewer opportunities back in Estonia, me, (Iulia Dumuta)and Paul Iordache implemented some strategies and talked about our dear Erasmus+ with some 30 students with fewer opportunities and their professor, from "Ion Luca" Theoretical Highschool in Vatra Dornei, Suceava. We explained the students what opportunities they have, how can they travel and learn at the same time and how to be better citizens, being aware of  other people with FO and to know how to treat them. They were really excited, it was the first time they heard about this programme and they had a lot of questions. Even their professor was interested in the opportunities given by Erasmus+. The workshop lasted around 1 hour and a half, during the time we had some energizers, QA session, pictures from our amazing experience in Estonia( we miss it everyday of our lives and we think it changed our way we look at YFO), and we explained them how they can access the information needed when they want to apply. It was an amazing experience, both for us and them, and we would like to say thank you to the organiers of ABC of Inclusion: it contributed to a better world, and we promise to do the same.

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