Monday, 17 December 2018

Workshop Erasmus + Spain:
Whom: Teenager "Embarriados"
When: In the afternoon at 16-17 h in Tamaraceite (13/12/18) and Jinámar (10/12/18)
Support: Mojo de caña (Embárriate) in Centro cívico (group Jinámar) and in College Alfredo Kraus (group Tamaraceite)
General action plan
- Energizer song
- Introduccion about youth exchallenges
- Map world: locate the countries of the European Union on the map
-Step in my shoes
- Video about Eramus +
Who: Carlos Mahugo, Beatriz Vema y Ainara Mendaño


On 12/10/2018 Bea, Ainara and Me taught the first Erasmus + workshop in Jinámar neighborhood, which is one of the places where we work on "Embarriate" Project. The group was formed of 16 youths, We realized that very few of them knew what Erasmus + was.

After a short introduction, Ainara began with the screening of some videos about Erasmus +

Some of these girls and boys have never left the Canary Islands and they felt very curious and excited about the information we were giving them.

Jinámar is the neighborhood where Ainara lives, we proposed to her that she comes to solving the doubts that her classmates had.                                                                                                       

The participants were quite motivated by asking Ainara questions. Seeing that one of her classmates had participated in Erasmus + made them feel that they could do it themselves.

After the screening of videos we told them about our experience in Estonia in the ABC project of inclusion.


On 12/13/2018 we repeated the experience of sharing information about Erasmus +. This time we chose Tamaraceite neighborhood. Another place in Gran Canaria where families with few opportunities live. The group was more numerous than that of Jinámar and 21 young people participated. The age of these boys and girls is between 13 and 19 years old.

In this picture we can see a moment in which the boys and girls participated in energicer dynamics to focus all their

Through roll-playing games the participants became for a moment in citizens of different countries.
With this activity we work with them another way of communication.

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